Thursday, January 12, 2006


ma tean, et välismaalastele meeldib see sõna. üks hollandlane kunagi küsis, mida see sõna tähendab, ja märkis, et hollandi keelt mõistva inimese jaoks on see ropp.

dialoog arenes umbes nõnda:
- Hakatuseks sounds dirty to Dutch-speakers...
- if you tell me, i'll tell you the real meaning.
- Well, I don't know what Hakatu is, but seks is dutch for sex. So it sounds like Hakatu-sex. Some kind of japanese sex, or something. :-)
- well, estonian has reeeeallly many words that end with -seks. hakatuseks is "for the beginning".
- those dirty people. I should really move to Estonia.

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